Part One: Insight Engines are Your Best Friend at Work

Digital transformation and the move to hybrid work have not been shy in forcing companies to be resilient and innovative with their approaches to digital technology. No matter the size of an organization or even the industry, managers and the average worker have been demanded to make decisions much faster than in previous years. The absolute best way to make decisions is by leveraging your company data and all the information inside your organization's millions or billions of documents. Otherwise, mountains of data are compiled and not used for the betterment of the employee or company.

Companies have a lot to gain from understanding how to process their data, so when the need comes, they can leverage it anytime, anywhere, and in any application.

Compiling Information to Generate Knowledge

You may have heard that data is the gold of the 21st century. While the prominence holds true, there is more to data than gold. Collecting it is not enough, and with such large data volumes within a company, scattered piles of data are not all that useful.

"We can hardly refer to the data as gold until businesses process and refine this raw material by correlating their data and generating actual knowledge from it," said Founder and CEO Daniel Fallmann in a previous article.

"Insight engines handle the refinement intelligently and independently. By placing a layer, as it were, over all the information silos within a company, all the data – whether structured or unstructured – is linked together. This can be used to develop a winning strategy that determines how data is collected, stored, cleaned, managed, secured, used, and analyzed, and how the data impacts the business. By the end of this cycle, you end up with nothing less than concentrated knowledge that is available to the entire company."

Investing in Automation

Investing in automation, specifically, an insight engine, permits companies to take an advanced and intelligent approach to resource management – allocating money, people, and technology as effectively as possible. For example, eliminating the dreaded task of manual data entry

Automated marketing is just one of the many popular areas of use. Marketing teams use pattern recognition for early trend detection to help shape their approaches to specific customers.

For other functional areas, visit our webpage.

As touched on with manual data entry, organizations are intrigued by the topic of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which uses artificial intelligence to accomplish redundant and time-exhausting duties. In fact, many companies are fully immersed in it, reducing the burnout of their human workforce. RPA allows human beings to be creative and use their skills to complete projects of greater value and fitting to their skill sets.

On the other hand, insight engines, like Mindbreeze InSpire, have their own skillset. One key attribute is integration capability. In addition, to completing repetitive work, insight engines generate insights and bring untapped knowledge directly to workers within their workflow. High integration capability and versatility make insight engines a must-have tool in 2022.

For more on the Mindbreeze InSpire, contact our experts today and stay tuned for part two!

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