We not only sell high quality products, but also offer excellent service, if you need assistance when using Mindbreeze InSpire. We support you in all of your problems and help you to know your product and to learn to deal with it.
Let’s get started: Preparation and initial configuration of your appliance

Customer or Partner? Register for free and review or post your questions. Our Mindbreeze Specialists will answer them asap.

For an easy introduction into the world of Mindbreeze we offer tutorial videos. Here you will find everything about the most important topics - from installing the hardware to connecting a data source.

Release Notes, Product Information and White Papers containing documentation and detailed instructions. Check out known vulnerabilities as well.

The Mindbreeze InSpire SDK gives new value to your application. The proven Mindbreeze technology saves you from having to develop a highly scalable search for structured and unstructured data.

If you couldn’t solve your request through our Online Help or the Q&A Forum, please create a new ticket via our ticket system. By registering with a valid E-mail address, you can track the progress and responses of the ticket online.

Our products are constantly being expanded and improved. We let you benefit from this progress and provide you with our latest updates.
Support & Contact
+43 732 60 61 62-620
If you can't find a solution to your problem or have an urgent issue, contact us by phone, email or via the contact form on our contact page.