Expediting Discovery and Development: A Pharmaceutical Case Study

How did Mindbreeze help a pharmaceutical company speed up time to market by 50%?

The organization needed to analyze clinical trial data, drug information, and review applications faster and more consistently.

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The Problems:

  • Life science organizations often face challenges managing and utilizing their data effectively to make quicker and more informed decisions.
  • Access to scattered data across various systems makes it practically impossible for researchers and authorities to make life-changing discoveries in a highly regulated industry.
  • More than 17,000 employees (all needing critical information).


So, how did Mindbreeze help?

AI Features Used:

  • Search-driven analytics for autosuggestions based on user search history, popular queries, and document keywords.
  • Entity Recognition Service for automatic extraction of necessary information from large documents and datasets.
  • Semantic Relations Service to identify and extract correlations of existing information and provide relevant results on a priority basis.


What happened?

With Mindbreeze, the company was able to improve and speed up time to market by 50% by freeing siloed data from legacy infrastructures, allowing them to swiftly identify and address inquiries.

Read the full case study

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