Contract Management

Finding pertinent information relating to contracts with customers, partners, or suppliers is eminently important for a company's actions.

An easy approach to finding the required facts for all contract components, also including what are often informal written agreements, can help staff from diverse departments ‒ such as Procurement, Sales, Legal, Controlling, Auditing, and even the management ‒ save much time and above all money.

In many cases, the structured contract data, such as the customer, address, company, product, purchase date, etc., are stored on a different system (e.g., Excel, Salesforce, Fabasoft Cloud, SAP) than the contract documents and written communication (e.g., filesystem, Fabasoft Cloud, archive system).

Important needs often develop very quickly here:

  • The ability to find contract data via metadata and content
  • Filter options by contract type, customer, company, location, or date, in order to limit the search results
  • The ability to find legacy contracts also under new product or company names
  • Automatic quality assurance to verify whether the link between the metadata and the contract documents is correct

Solution with Mindbreeze InSpire

Contract Management
Contract Management

The "Contract Management" search application fulfills the necessary requirements. The best thing about Mindbreeze InSpire is that the requirements can be fulfilled without changing the previous workflow, or migrating the legacy system to a new one. A concrete use scenario is any enterprise that stores its contract data in Excel, and the contract documents on the filesystem. The use of the Mindbreeze data integration connector allows the individual contract table to be mapped to Mindbreeze metadata in a graphical user interface. The filesystem connector links the matching contract documents on the filesystem via an index. 



A list of synonyms or a thesaurus helps to maintain the different product designations or contract types centrally at a single location. Mindbreeze InSpire thus delivers the pertinent matches, no matter whether the Mindbreeze contract is searched for using the term "Enterprise Search", "Mindbreeze", "Mindbreeze GmbH" or "Mindbreeze Software GmbH".


Mindbreeze ist schnell und einfach
fast & simple

A project to introduce the "Contract Management" search application is a project that any end user and any project manager would wish for. 

Without changing the workflow, and without training, you can immediately meet the requirements with a simple search option. 

The benefits for the end user are thus immediately identifiable from the start of the project. The project duration is well below 1 month.

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