What would your first day on the Mindbreeze team look like?

Mine started by getting to know my new co-workers, followed by having breakfast together – something we do here every day. As a marketing trainee, I had the opportunity to attend an introduction to the Academy, just like the other new employees. Competent trainers made it easier for me to get a foothold in the Mindbreeze world and also explained the work procedures and offered useful tips. Afterwards, I was welcomed to the office not only by the new colleagues I had just met, but also by a welcome package jam-packed with Mindbreeze goodies. I immediately felt like I was part of the team, and I quickly found my place in meetings and processes.

A picture-perfect beginning to an exciting internship if ever there was one.

During my time as a trainee, I dedicated most of my time to the area of video production. One of my main projects was to create a video featuring “A Day at Mindbreeze.” Based on this topic, I captured my first day at work on film.
To see all the things that day held in store and how I experienced it, check out the following video:



If this piqued your curiosity and you’re interested in finding out what your first day at Mindbreeze might be like too, then just submit your application at: career.mindbreeze.com

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