Evaluating Insight Engines

Not too long ago, we published a series of articles outlining a workflow and what it takes for companies, users, and decision-makers to evaluate an insight engine – such as Mindbreeze InSpire.

Below you can see the process in a series of blogs we typically follow with customers interested in deploying an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). This all occurs during our Try & Buy period of Mindbreeze InSpire.


 1 What to Consider for your Insight Engine Rollout: Identify the Use Case

 2 What to Consider for your Insight Engine Rollout: Define the Success Criteria

 3 What to Consider for your Insight Engine Rollout: Hands-on Testing with Company Data

 4 What to Consider for your Insight Engine Rollout: Involve the Users

 5 What to Consider for your Insight Engine Rollout: Validate the ROI Calculation


The Gartner, Inc. glossary defines MVP (Minimum Viable Product) as,

“The release of a new product (or a major new feature) that is used to validate customer needs and demands prior to developing a more fully featured product. To reduce development time and effort, an MVP includes only the minimum capabilities required to be a viable customer solution.”

Interested? View more information on our exclusive Try & Buy offer.

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