Current Cloud Trend: A Multi-Cloud Approach

Taking a multi-cloud approach, or distributed cloud, is one of the most important current cloud trends we see today.

What makes this trend so important?

The importance of this trend is relatively simple: more flexibility.

Businesses cannot afford to be tied down to one ecosystem because service providers are constantly adapting their supported applications or even entirely stopping the support of applications. When these changes occur, a multi-cloud approach will allow users to be flexible and non-resistant to these specific changes.

One platform may have benefits that another platform does not, and vice versa. Enterprises need the ability to take advantage of the best features and parts of multiple cloud computing services based on the features they want to be deployed and changing business needs.

Who will be the most likely adopters?

Larger enterprises will most likely be adopters of the multi-cloud approach. Large enterprises typically have the technical resources to ensure an organization can adopt this strategy effectively. Managing a multiple cloud environment requires a high level of control and security. Larger enterprises can afford the resources and workers who are skilled and familiar enough to drive a multi-cloud strategy.

Large enterprises also have more business cases, and the possibility of their business needs are more likely to change. The flexibility and scalability of a multi-cloud approach make it simpler for organizations to adapt and large enterprises the most popular adopters.

How will this trend impact CIOs and their enterprises?

CIOs and their enterprises will have increased flexibility for their specific use cases rather than being tied to one provider for all.

CIOs and their enterprises will also reap cost saving benefits of not being forced to manage their private cloud. In addition, multi-cloud is more reliable in the unexpected occurrence of outages. If one cloud is failing or experiencing an outage, it won’t automatically affect the services you rely on from another.

With this approach and others, CIOs must implement a data security strategy to protect their enterprise from security threats or data breaches. Giving enterprises the capacity to spread data across multiple locations and platforms minimizes the chances of these risks becoming a reality.

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