Find quickly with Mindbreeze InSpire
Mindbreeze InSpire offers:
- All information always at hand, even when on the move
- Clear display of relevant facts
- Structuring according to categories via search tabs and filters
Analysis of websites with Mindbreeze InSite
A possible usage scenario is the comparison of insurance offerings from different insurance companies. Mindbreeze InSite processes the content of the individual websites and extracts information such as the performance scope of different insurance packages. Additionally, Mindbreeze offers a search mask that enables an insurance broker to efficiently research the websites of different insurance companies and therefore quickly generate an up-to-date overview of the offerings.
Moreover, Mindbreeze InSite allows the broker to embed this constantly up-to-date information from insurance provider websites in their own personal website. This means that the broker’s customers are always provided with the most up-to-date information without the broker needing to update anything.