What's New - Mindbreeze InSpire 21.1 Release
We are delighted once again to be able to introduce you to a number of new features as part of our Mindbreeze InSpire 21.1 Release:
- Sitecore Connector
The Sitecore Connector allows you to index all types of items, pages or articles from Sitecore. You can choose which types of items to index via "Template Names" and additionally filter items based on their Sitecore metadata. Currently, the Sitecore Connector only supports public content.
- Export results: Excel data type support
When exporting search results, the export format "Microsoft Excel" saves the values of metadata as text by default. With the new option "Use Excel Native Data Types" such numbers and dates are saved directly in numeric or date format. Thus, it is not only possible to calculate directly with such values, but Excel also displays the values in the appropriate format depending on the set language and region.
- SAML: Support for Shibboleth 4.0 (AES-GCM encryption)
Mindbreeze now supports SAML authentication with AES-GCM as the encryption algorithm for SAML assertions. This means that Shibboleth 4.0 can be used as a SAML IDP for the Mindbreeze Client Service.
On top of that, we've carried out a number of updates to our connectors again, alongside a variety of technical enhancements and security-related modifications. See more updates in our Release Notes.
- Introduction
- Overview on the latest features
- Live-Demo
Recording and Material
Our Expert

Head of Mindbreeze Academy