What's New - Mindbreeze InSpire 20.1 Release
The new Mindbreeze InSpire 20.1 Release is here and we have again numerous innovations for you:
G6 to G7 migration tool
With this release the command line tool mesadmin now supports the sub-command snapshot. This makes it possible to create and restore snapshots independently of Mindbreeze InSpire Generation (G6/G7). This tool can thus be used to migrate a Mindbreeze InSpire G6 appliance to a new Mindbreeze InSpire G7 appliance.
Dropbox Connector
With the new Dropbox Connector you can now index all documents from Dropbox.
app.telemetry: Monitoring of Admin API tasks
The execution of tasks to synchronize data, configuration and indices in a distributed operation (G7) can be monitored with app.telemetry.
...and many more!
See more updates in our Release Notes.
- Introduction
- Overview on the latest features
- Live-Demo
Recording and Material
Our Expert

Head of Mindbreeze Academy