Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence

Insight Engines are used in companies to analyze their own data and to increase the quality and efficiency of business processes. The goal is to make the best use of the company's data in order to stand out from the competition. But the Internet is also an endless source of public information that can be invaluable for the company. Mindbreeze InSpire also lets you search specific data sources from the Internet and identify relevant developments and trends.

This process is described as "competitive intelligence." By monitoring external data sources such as social media channels (hashtags on Twitter and the like), trends on specific topics can be identified early on. In many business sectors, being able to detect trends in the forefront is a make-or-break factor, potentially being crucial to staying one step ahead of the competition.


  • Connectivity of external data sources
  • Semantic analysis of topics and entire subject areas (such as hashtags or search terms)
  • Cross-linking the information with internal company data
  • Early detection of trends