2016 Summer Release

The 2016 Summer Release is coming up and we have again numerous innovations for you:

  • Outlook Add-In
    Which program do you use most often?
    Chances are this is Microsoft Outlook. In addition to your e-mails and calendar entries, you can now also display Mindbreeze InSpire results in Microsoft Outlook. This means you can find old e-mails that are in PST files as well as documents from Microsoft SharePoint or any other data source in your company.

    More under Outlook-Add-In

  • Support for GSA-feeds / Adaptor protocols

    The Mindbreeze InSpire GSA Façade enables feeds from connectors, which are addressed to the Google Search Appliance (GSA), to index with InSpire without adjustments.
  • Integrated plugin for Chinese word decomposition

    Chinese characters are strung together into sentences without the use of separators. This causes groups of characters to form words which have a meaning. By using a trained model for the recognition of possible word areas, searches can now also be performed in Chinese texts.
    Details can be found at Configuration - Chinese Tokenization Plugin Jieba 
  • You’ll find many more innovative changes in the Release Notes Document

Ready to find out more? Click here to download the latest Mindbreeze InSpire Release: Mindbreeze Updates & SPI