Accessibility Hints
On top of this website you can find the accessibilty menu. This menu provides links for quick access to the following parts of each web page:
- Main Content
- Main Menu
- Footer
- Accessibility Hints
Each link is only available if the respective page area is part of the current page.
In adition you can use the following access keys (shortcuts) to navigate to the page areas:
- ALT + 1 - Jump to Main Content
- ALT + 2 - Jump to Main Menu
- ALT + 3 - Jump to Footer
- ALT + 4 - Accessibility Hints
To invoke the access keys on Windows and Linux press
- [Alt] + access key in Internet Explorer and Google Chrome
- [Ctrl] + access key in Safari
- [Alt] + [Shift] + access key in Mozilla Firefox
To invoke the access keys on Mac press
- [Ctrl] + [Opt] + access key in Google Chrome
- [Ctrl] + access key in Safari
- [Ctrl] + access key in Mozilla Firefox
To navigate the website using the keyboard with Windows or Linux, you can use the [Tab]-key to step forward or [Shift] + [Tab] to step back. On Mac use [Opt] + [Tab]-key to step forward and [Opt] + [Tab]-key + [Shift] to step back